Read more about the article Explore Ancient Fortresses: Kyzyl Kala, Toprak Kala, Ayaz-Kala
Ayaz Kala's smaller fortress stands as a solitary guardian over the desert. (FF@20mm)

Explore Ancient Fortresses: Kyzyl Kala, Toprak Kala, Ayaz-Kala

or Discovering Uzbekistan's Ancient Fortresses: A Unique Add-On to Your Journey from Khiva to Bukhara. The Kyzyl Kala, or "Red Fortress," is a remarkable example of ancient fortified architecture in…

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Read more about the article One Day in Qufu: Exploring the Legacy of Confucius
A large crowd of people walking through the gates of the Temple of Confucius in Qufu. (@128mm on APS-C)

One Day in Qufu: Exploring the Legacy of Confucius

The Cemetery of Confucius is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that includes the Temple of Confucius, the Kong Family Mansion, and the Cemetery of Confucius. (@10mm on APS-C) Introduction Morning:…

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